Monday, December 6

Who to thank for your "Affordable" Car

Meet the Model T
An Innovation that has Persevered through Time
Okay, so I put quotations around it just because I know for many people now a days $15,000 isn't affordable, but way back when, a Genius called Ford- who was just about to reach Brilliance made cars available to the average American. So in other words people who didn't necessarily have much money stored away in the bank could ride around on this slow but long lasting and somewhat efficient car.

There's the Beauty :) I got it off of This Blog so Check it Out!

Essentially, even though he wasn't the first to make a car, or the first to use an assembly line- he thought of a way to put the two together to make a fast and SUPER effective way to create many cars. They were a fairly simplistic model, but hey it worked. Soon enough people were buying these cars for very affordable prices, and MANY MANY people were buying then, so Ford chimed in on the dime well. He's pretty Genius!

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